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A feature exploring the relationship between table top gamers and the communities they build in an era dominated by online gaming.


Listen to what it means to be part of something while still being able to show up your friends.

Death, Decadence + Devotion.png

Ever feel like you're the only one out of your friends that actually believes in something else - something higher? Honestly, you probably are, because religion is dying. Atheism has doubled in less than 2 decades. Nearly 4000 churches around the world shut down each year...



Why has a once dying form of music listening become a hit with the youth? How has vinyl managed to survive against the tidal wave of digital music formats, such as Spotify? Are vinyls simply objects of nostalgia, or something more?


This feature explores the culture behind vinyl records and why they are still alive and kicking.

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Is there a right time to leave home? Moving out of home is a daunting task for anyone. But imagine yourself leaving home at the age of 13? Could you do it?


This feature uncovers the experiences of people who have left home for the first time, no matter the age, to discover if there is a right time to leave home.

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From cartoons and gossip, to vegemite and vaping, there have been a plethora of colourful and even strange ads throughout the last century. But how different were they back then compared to today?


This feature goes to the past to see how some of your favourite brands pitched their best, strange and even controversial advertisements.

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This feature delves into the mind of Charlie, who will explain his journey and views on issues faced by the queer community. These views and issues will talk about the recent past and prospects for the future.

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The world's food supply is running short... so what's next for us? Plants? Fake food? Crickets?


This feature looks into crickets as the food source of the future, and even features a little taste test!

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